Club 44
mercredi 12 février 2025
Le Club 44
Rue de la Serre 64 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
" Tuer l'enfant dans l'adulte, c'est vraiment tuer tout rapport avec la créativité "/ "To kill the child in the adult would be to kill all links to creativity."
I was quoting Romain Gary explaining why it was important for me to talk at length about @ji_p4rk childhood in Deux Coréennes/The Hard Road Out.
At the end of the presentation, the organizer of the event told me "You know Romains Gary spoke at Club44 as well?"
What an intense moment of happiness! What an honour !!!
@club44.cdf, an iconic literary club created in 1944 to oppose the spirit of dictature and intolerance, to question, debate and create exchanges around new ideas, could not have a been a better venue to present our book. I am eternally grateful to @printempsculturelneuchâtel @club44.cdf @laure_mi_hyun.crozet @sissa1028 @philippe.chancel for accompanying Jihyun and myself in this glorious adventure.
Mon vraie ennemie n'était pas Jihyun. C'était la peur.
jeudi 8 août 2024